Year in Review 2015

Here's a snapshot of what 2015 looked like for me. I wrote it up at the end of December so I'm going to call it OK even though it's actually being published in 2016.


Number Read


Number Published

0 (but I helped as a technical editor for Clojure for Finance)

Favorite Book of the Year

The Book of Shen (3rd Edition)


Number of Blog Posts

1 (ouch, I need to work on this :p)

Number of New Programming Projects


Favorite Programming Language Found


Languages Used for Work

  • Clojure
  • ClojureScript
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Java

Languages Used for Fun

  • Erlang
  • Haskell
  • Shen
  • Clojure
  • ClojureScript

Favorite Music Album Found

Favorite Show

(Still) Game of Thrones

New (non-programming) Languages Tried

Mandarin Chinese

TODOs for next year

  • Get better at PHP, Java, Shen, Erlang, Haskell, Clojure(Script), and JavaScript.
  • Understand more of the math behind Category Theory and how to practically apply it to software development.
  • Write a library on top of cat-theory operations that makes data transformations easy.
  • Try Writing ElasticSearch and SQL libraries on top of the cat-theory library.
  • Use Erlang to build a proper implementation of the phantom protocol.
  • Figure out a decent way to abstract app development across platforms (started this but haven't touched it since last spring and it could use a lot of work).
  • Have fun in general with some new projects!